The sentiment of the nation seems to have moved towards bringing our troops home and ending this illegal and immoral war in Iraq.
The problem seems to be, as we move in this direction those who support the war (despite their reasons) are being backed into a corner. The are digging in and using every trick they have to keep us fighting for reasons that are still unclear.
While I believe it is obvious we are there for three reasons:
1. to make Papa Bush proud
2. to steal the oil
3. to make those who invest in war and death richer
I also believe that we are finally understanding the lessons we should have learned after Vietnam. Those who stand to profit from war should have no place deciding whether we do or do not enter into wars.
As we are moving towards ending this farce, the battle will get tougher, not easier.
Please continue to keep up the fight, PEACE is always worth the struggle.
I hope this picture speaks the truth better that my words ever could.