Saturday, February 17, 2007

Officers Elected-Campaign 2008 Begun

As you can see from the right, those place holders for officer names are now filled. We have a full slate of officers, diverse in our persons and in our residence. As one of them, I look forward to working with the rest and with everyone else at our well-attended meeting today.

Lots of ideas and lots of work, that sums up our role for our two-year terms. Matt Bryant ran a hugely successful campaign in 2006, unfortunately entrenched attitudes and an incumbent led to his loss in the election. We do not face an incumbent this time around, we have a lot of Democratic momentum on a national level and we have a prospective candidate that should do well in some of our less-blue precincts. It's an exciting time for us.

Look for more in the next weeks - we need people! And as the newly-elected HD40 Secretary, I look forward to serving you and to getting our message out in any way I can.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

An Invitation from John Fulton, Chairman

Our plate will be full for our party/meeting @ 10 am, this Saturday 2/17 @ Arapahoe Democratic Party HQ, 15445 East Iliff Ave., Unit C (see map).

First item of business will be the election of House District 40 Officers for the 2007-2009 term.

Those who have announced are:

John Fulton, Chair
Matt Bryant, Vice Chair
Steve Stanley, Secretary (Outreach)
Bruce Smith, Treasurer

Other nominees may come forward before or @ the meeting.

Eligible voters for this election are the Officers of House District 40 & the Officers of the Arapahoe County & Elbert County Democratic Parties.

Our first planning session in January resulted in linking a blog to our website (courtesy Steve Stanley); setting up a similar connection to MySpace (Dan Zuk); & agreeing to meet one Saturday a month. The third Saturday seems to be the best Saturday.

After the elections, our plan is to discuss community activity; more aggressive attempts to staff each Precinct with active Precinct Leaders (PCPs); consider ways & means to raise funds; begin to look ahead to 2008 races, & generally keep taking it to the Republicans in Our Patch.

I think this is an important meeting for several reasons & hope to see you there.

Donuts, cookies, coffee, soft drinks, bottled water will be served.

Thank you,


For a map to the Arapahoe County Democrats Headquarters, click here.