Following my own suggestion to check out three vital, alternative websites a day (I am constantly amazed at the minds running the website to publish pointed reports)...
Please note the referenced article if you care about genetics, and the seed vault in the arctic that the Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation and others are developing to harbor a mandatory seed bank to be used against populations and to destroy us from the inside out. Maybe someone you know taking a long plane trip might read the longer article at
I have suggested a Living Newspaper event, in which participants simply show up with a printout of a news article that means the most to them at the moment, and share it, by either reading excerpts or relating the gist for all the other attendees. When finished, we would all know what we are reading and care about - which is more than we may know after reading today's newspapers.
I would share three paragraphs from the end of the article above:
In the 1990's the UN's World Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45, allegedly against Tentanus, a sickness arising from such things as stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine was not given to men or boys, despite the fact they are presumably equally liable to step on rusty nails as women.
Because of that curious anomaly, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested. The tests revealed that the Tetanus vaccine being spread by the WHO only to women of child-bearing age contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. None of the women vaccinated were told.
It later came out that the Rockefeller Foundation along with the Rockefeller's Population Council, the World Bank (home to CGIAR), and the United States' National Institutes of Health had been involved in a 20-year-long project begun in 1972 to develop the concealed abortion vaccine with a tetanus carrier for WHO. In addition, the Government of Norway, the host to the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault, donated $41 million to develop the special abortive Tetanus vaccine. "
Note: It was reported as early as 1987 or before that the HIV vaccine was developed in a lab in the U.S., and spread in Africa and so on. So total death toll from HIV vs. total death toll on 9/11, Afghanistan and so forth?
I communicated with my City Councilperson some months ago as to what the regulations are for Aurora homeowners to expand on home agribusiness to share their produce beyond their backyards (I was thinking of animal products at the time), and she forwarded my email to someone else at the City, who never got back to me. Finally when I brought it up again, I was invited to call the, I don't know, city attorney's office, or someone whose invitation I did not think friendly, but rather a dare IMO. I didn't bother.
Yes, Dennis Kucinich has indicated he is interested in challenging agribusiness with anti-trust laws, to break their monopolies. Now, the monopolies never broke the Rockefeller Foundation, but if this was done, the doer would clearly need cover by many hands do I see?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Planting a seed...
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4:00 PM
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